At all times, men faced the problem of erectile dysfunction. This insidious disease has no "age", it can occur even in young men. It is known that one of the causes of erectile dysfunction is chronic prostatitis. Therefore, due to such a close relationship between the two diseases, the approach to the treatment of erectile dysfunction must be comprehensive.

What is erectile dysfunction?
Normal erectile function in a man involves the ability to get an erection hard enough to penetrate a woman's vagina and to maintain that erection long enough to complete intercourse.
Erectile dysfunction is the inability to obtain and / or maintain an erect penis sufficient for adequate contact. Loss of morning erection, premature ejaculation and lack of interest in sexual activity are early signs. It is well known that smoking, drug use and alcohol abuse play an important role in this. The risk of developing erectile dysfunction increases with comorbid conditions such as type II diabetes, obesity, cardiovascular disease, hypertension and dyslipidemia. However, the most common cause of erectile dysfunction is infectious diseases, primarily - prostatitis.
What is prostatitis?
Prostatitis is an inflammatory disease of the prostate. It can affect all men: those who have monogamous or polygamous relationships, even virgins. Prostatitis is a very common pathology of the urinary system. Among the serious consequences of this disease can be called erectile dysfunction - many men mistakenly associate "failures" in sex life with stress at work, fatigue and lack of sleep. However, modern studies have shown that it is infectious diseases, such as prostatitis, that often cause sexually transmitted diseases.
The main symptoms of prostatitis
- Frequent urination.
- Feeling of incomplete emptying of the bladder.
- Pain and discomfort in the lumbar region, lower abdomen and perineum.
- White or greenish discharge from the urethra.
- Pain and heaviness in the anus.
- Decreased libido and activity.
What is the relationship between inflammation and prostate activity?
If the endothelium of the vessels of the penis is damaged by exposure to chronic diseases and toxins, then this leads to a reduction in erection.
However, there is another version: most doctors believe that sexual disorders in prostatitis are, as a rule, of a psychological nature. Constant and exhausting pain causes depression and increased stress, unpleasant symptoms and chronic pain syndrome affect not only the general well-being, but also the mood of a man, brings him anxiety and discomfort. However, most modern urologists have the same view: the cause of erectile dysfunction lies in the organic damage to the internal organs.
The importance of the prostate gland in the erection process
Erection in terms of physiological physiology is due to complex neurovascular mechanisms, with several central and peripheral neurological mechanisms involved in addition to molecular, vascular, psychological and endocrine factors, and the balance between them ultimately determines its functionality.
Erection is not a mechanical act that can be used as a hydraulic jack for lifting at any time. It is a subtle physiological process that begins with a stimulus that is perceived by the brain and comes from the visual perception, smell, sensation or touch.
A person's sensitivity to this sexual stimulus depends largely not only on the level of the hormone testosterone, but mainly on its conversion to the active metabolite dihydrotestosterone, which is formed in a healthy prostate under the influence of an enzyme called alpha reductase. . And if problems arise with the prostate, accordingly, there will be problems with the metabolite, which along the chain will pull difficulties during intercourse.
Restoration of power and treatment of prostate damage
If erectile dysfunction has occurred in the context of an infection, then no medication will help here: it is necessary to eliminate the underlying cause. Bacterial prostatitis, like any infection, is treated with antibiotics. However, it is very difficult and sometimes impossible for antibiotics to create the necessary concentration of drugs in the prostate, at the epicenter of the infection. This is due to the fact that as a result of inflammation and swelling in the prostate, the blood supply is significantly reduced. Only complex treatment will be effective - a combination of drugs and physiotherapy, which improves the blood supply to the prostate, relieves swelling. The doctor may prescribe courses such as extracorporeal magnetic stimulation, vibrator massage, sinusoidal currents, shock wave therapy, ozone therapy. If the doctor prescribed the right treatment and the man followed all the appointments and recommendations, then with the elimination of inflammation in the prostate, violations in sexual life disappear without a trace.
- Normal sex life (this is a purely individual matter, but up to the age of 30, the frequency of sexual intercourse 2-3 times a week is considered the norm).
- Adherence to hygiene during sexual intercourse.
- Healthy lifestyle.
- Exclusion of injuries and hypothermia.
- Regular urological examination (at least once a year for men over 40).
A person's recommended lifestyle should include regular exercise, adequate sleep, smoking cessation, a balanced diet with an emphasis on Mediterranean foods, and moderate alcohol consumption.
To feel male strength as much as possible and maintain a high quality of life, when the first unpleasant symptoms appear, do not delay a visit to a specialized urologist-andrologist. Get a complete urological examination, get an accurate diagnosis and effective treatment.